Do you know me?
A workshop to enhance non-linear career paths
When we talk about ourselves, when looking for a new job or simply introducing ourselves to someone, we create self-representations based on our careers as sequences of achievements and accomplishments. Rarely, however, do we emphasize what we have not become but which has nevertheless allowed us to be who we are. “Do you know me?” originate from this reflection. A workshop designed precisely to highlight non-linear career paths.
In the workshop, participants question the common career model, reflecting on the relationship between biography and skills to build a new vision of themselves through graphic design, information design and storytelling.

The classic curriculum vitae is the best example of a way of describing ourselves that does not adequately take into account our identity, which is made up of as much of the things we have done as the things we have chosen not to do. The workshop reflects on these issues and offers participants new tools and models to present themselves.

The main content of the “Do you know me?” workshop is the relationship between one’s biography and one’s skills. Through narrative interview techniques, simulations, infographics, graphic facilitation and storytelling, participants embrace a different and broader view of themselves than the one we got accomplished with through canonical tools such as Linkedin or the European CV.

At the end of the workshop, each participant builds a new way of telling their story, through a poster and a publication that provide a more holistic representation of their human and professional journey.
Over the years, “Do you know me?” took place in different locations and with different types of participants, including the Faculty of Architecture in Rome and the École nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre.

The Do you know me? project was also narrated through video interviews that were collected within the interactive documentary “Non ésumré” based on the valorisation of non-linear paths.